That strange smell of paint It's normal the first time you turn on the fireplace or stove You turned on your brand new stove or fireplace for the first time and there's a strange smell? No panic, it's absolutely normal the first time you turn them on. Categories: How to install How to use Fireplaces Pellet stoves Wood-fuelled stoves
Warmth that goes a long way What's the maximum length for a stove's ducting? Ducted stoves can carry hot air across several meters. But how many? Let's see what MCZ's customer service say. Categories: Compare How to install Pellet stoves
The built-in wood-burning range cooker Solutions and practical advice for an impressive result The pleasure of a wood fire is also perfect for the kitchen, where the heating function can also be combined with that of cooking food. A wood-burning range cooker can be a free standing solution or one built in an existing composition. With the advice of our architect Paola Cesaro, let's take a look at interesting information and installation advice. Categories: Compare How to install Range cookers
A useful third wheel: the puffer Why buy a water storage system with the hydro stove Sometimes it is really useful to include a third wheel in the "love story" between the hydro stove and radiator: the puffer. Let's see when it may be recommended or even necessary. Categories: How to install Organise your home Pellet boilers Pellet stoves
Direct-vent pellet stoves They do not comply with regulations and are harmful to health Let's find out why the installation of pellet stoves with a direct vent out the wall rather than a conventional chimney are a practice discouraged by all manufacturers: rather restrictive regulations and serious safety and health issues are at stake. Categories: Compare How to install Pellet stoves
Flues: Comparing Wood and Pellets The fuel you choose also determines flue configuration The choice between wood and pellets for a stove or fireplace depends not only on our lifestyle and personal taste but also on the structural limitations of our home, especially when it comes to renovations. The connection to the flue and its size may have very different features, depending on whether you need to dispose of wood or pellet smoke. Ms Paola Cesaro, an architect and project consultant for MCZ Group, explains the main differences. Categories: Compare How to install Fireplaces Pellet stoves Wood-fuelled stoves