What is yourFire.
And what we would like it to become.
If you have ended up here, you must like a good fire.
You’re just like us at MCZ Group. We’re an international group that creates products that exploit the magic and potential of fire.
We love fire because it’s natural, it’s renewable energy and because it creates an atmosphere. It speaks of a slower, less hectic way of life and of ancient routines that remind us of the past. But we also love technology: helping the past meet the present with technical innovations that blend with past knowledge.
We have created this space to talk about fire: everything about a fire.
In yourFire, you will find inspiration, practical advice, answers, interviews with experts, ideas and the latest news. It will be a kind of magazine that will grow with your assistance. Not only will it be full of useful information, it will also contain interesting and informative items because relatively little is known about fire and we thought a little clarity might be helpful. We will try to do it in a new way, without being too technical, and we guarantee only accurate and correct information.
We are certain that each and every contribution by you will make this space even more interesting.
For any comment or request, please write to: yourfire@mcz.it